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Mr Q Welcome to Acton Cricket Club

We are one of London's leading cricket clubs.

We welcome players of all ages and abilities.




A successful and enjoyable club for players of all ages and abilities

Acton CC, founded in 1908, is one of Middlesex’s leading cricket clubs. We field four competitive teams on a Saturday and two teams on a Sunday in addition to a thriving Junior cricket set-up.

We are one of London’s most centrally located clubs and enjoy unparalleled playing and training facilities at Club Des Sports in West London. The club recently invested in brand new, state-of-the-art practice facilities to accommodate the club’s growing membership.

Off the field, Acton CC prides itself on its friendly, supportive and fun culture and team spirit, which has been at the core of the club’s progress in recent years. 

Adult Cricket

Acton's 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th XIs compete on Saturday’s during the summer in the Middlesex County League, one of the strongest and best run leagues in the country.

During the summer season, the club holds outdoor practice for senior members across all teams on a Thursday evening, although many members also practice on other weekday evenings as well. During the winter off-season, the club hold weekly indoor nets at Lords Cricket Ground.


Junior Cricket

Acton has built its success through its thriving juniors section, with more than 120 boys and girls ranging from the Under 9s to the Under 17s. The club’s Juniors’ Section, supervised and supported by qualified coaches and the club’s senior players, caters for all abilities and ages.

The juniors also get a taste for competitive cricket, with the Under 11s, Under 12s, Under 13s, Under 14s and Under 15s all playing in local area leagues.